This week I'm learning about something called Learning Express Library. This will be another new experience for me and I'm excited to find out what it's about.
I set up my account and started with Adult Learning. I decided I needed some math tutorials, boy was I right. Yikes – It looks like I need to go back to relearn fourth grade math. Since I did so poorly I started a lesson and liked the explanation and the quick response to my answers (which were correct, so I am teachableJ).
In exploring the Job Search and Workplace Skills learning center I was happily surprised to find there are a number of courses available as well as ways to prepare for different exams. I think this is a valuable tool for someone looking for a career or changing careers.
I chose to browse through green careers. I
never thought about “green” careers before. This was interesting to see everything from how to
build a green resume to networking and even green conferences. There is a lot of
good information in the Learning Express Library. I’m glad I had the chance to
explore what’s available.