- I started my search for Martin Luther - Named Person, limited to English, then books and finally the subtype limits of juvenile and nonfiction. This gave me 891 so I knew I needed to limit things a lot more.
- I went to advanced search and wrote in Martin and Luther not King; which limited the number down to 137 books. I still wanted less and noticed some were quite old.
- I limited my date range from 2000 to 2015; which brought up 23 which was a respectable number.
- I liked the first book on my list: Martin Luther: a man who changed the world which is a Primary school book with only 26 pages. I thought this would work for the upper elementary class as a starting lesson because it could be gone through in one sitting. Plus, it would come from the Brookings Public Library so it wouldn't take long for it to arrive. Then I chose the second book: Martin Luther: Father of the Reformation. This is a juvenile book with 112 pages so it would help supplement the first book. The closest Library is the Watertown Reg Lib.
2. Your library doesn't have many graphic novels. You think adding classics that have been made into graphic novels would be beneficial. To see what's already in libraries, you check WorldCat. Describe your search terms and limiters. Name 1 title you would add and its publisher.
- I did a search for graphic novels and tried material type
- Then I tried genre/form and limited it by fiction
- I decided I didn't want to limit it to juvenile or a year.
- The Title I would add would be Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: The Graphic Novel by Puffin Books Publishing.
- I added this book because it has been a favorite of mine.
3. The local theater director would like to do My Fair Lady but is afraid the vocals may be too difficult for the available cast. She wonders if a vocal score is available so she can take a look at it. Describe your search terms and limiters. Give the Accession number of the item you choose (found at the bottom of the record, where it says "Accession: OCLC:").
- I searched for the Title phrase: My Fair Lady and limited it to English and Musical Score. The one I chose was
Accession No: OCLC: 22601829
1. A student wants to do a project on the way people dressed in Charles Dickens’ England (the Victorian Era was from 1837-1901). What results can you find in CAMIO, and how did you find them? (search term hints: “dress” “fashion” “clothing”)
- I started with a basic search of fashion and then clicked on 1873 which brought up 5 items.
- Next I searched for clothing and the date of 1858 which produced 4 items.
- Then I did dress and 1843 which produced 10 items. The woman in the wedding dress was beautiful. The dress was so intricate.
You did an outstanding job here, Ann! Thanks for sharing your thought process as you made your clicks and selections. The Martin Luther books you chose should be just the right thing, as should the score. Your searching for graphic novels ended up just fine--and if you wanted more from that series, you could click the series link within the record. Excellent job of finding clothing representative of the Victorian Era! Applause! Applause!!