Monday, February 10, 2014

Lesson 4:

SIRS Discoverer
1. Look up armadillos (or your favorite animals) and discuss the results. Note if you find pictures and the various reading levels of the articles. (Remember, articles in SIRS Discoverer are selected, so you may not find something from yesterday's news.)

When I looked up armadillos I found a number of articles ranging in reading levels from general reading, to easy and then to moderate. There was a variety of Lexile scores to help determine the right one for students. I loved the variety of articles that were available from Ranger Rick to National Geographic. There were also a number of pictures you could choose in the list of articles.

2. Some of the most useful features in SIRS Discoverer are the "Database Features" located on the right hand side of the window. Explore this section by:

  • selecting a country in "Country Facts" and noting the information located there.
    • I selected Canada. There are basic facts, a map, the flag, major historical events and additional resources at the bottom of the page that includes teacher resources.
  • selecting a map in "Maps of the World" and discussing a potential use.
    • I looked at the World Historical and US Historical maps. Wow!! There’s a lot of maps here. I think I could find some of these useful in my genealogy study, but I found myself just paging through and looking at some of the interesting things they’ve mapped out. The Indian cultures over the years, the different wars and battles fought in our country, the explorations.
  • selecting one other area in "Database Features" and discuss the information located there.
    • I chose the special “Olympics” section in the database features. It has everything from websites, to newspapers to magazine articles. The reading level goes from easy to challenging and there are a number of photo links also. A great variety of articles on all aspects of the games and the host country.

SIRS Issues Researcher
1. Select a leading issue and discuss the information located there, noting the topic overview, research tools and articles.

I chose the issue of bullying. Bullying is a form of abuse that can be emotional or physical. Many children and teens are bullied at school every day. Some of these victims become depressed and lose interest in their schoolwork. There have been too many instances where young people have committed suicide to escape the torment of bullies.

The research tools that are listed would be very helpful to anyone doing research on a topic. I thought the statistics and note organizer were very helpful.  Also, the amount of articles and the way you’re able to narrow your search for the type you’re looking for (newspaper, reference, graphics, etc.) is very helpful.

2. Select "Curriculum Pathfinders" on the right hand side of the window and mouse over the course subjects, noting the range of topics covered. Pick your favorite subject and discuss the information located there.

I looked at the subject of Health. There is quite a range of information listed under health; everything from community and environmental health to wellness and diseases. The page has two interactive links as well as a wide range of courses. I can learn about obesity and stress management all in one location. This is a site I’ll be visiting again.

1 comment:

  1. As your blog post indicates, SIRS Discoverer and SIRS Issues Researcher are packed with useful information! The historical maps are very popular--I love your idea of using them for genealogy research! Thanks for your post! Julie
