Thursday, March 13, 2014

Lesson 9

I've patiently been waiting for this week. I'm so excited it is here. I love genealogy and I'm excited to get exploring.

Question 1
I started with putting in my maiden name and I found a number of year book pictures of me. It will be fun to add those to my site at home. I also put in my married name and found telephone/address lists from previous years and family trees with my name in them.

Question 2
Next I searched for my grandma Hannah Hester Brugger. I found her birth information, her death information and I found her in every census from 1900 to 1940. I was able to track her from her maiden name of Brugger to her married name of Wendland and where they lived during that time period.

Question 3
I had problems finding the location part so I went in to search and found pictures and then typed South Dakota. I found some post cards that linked to South Dakota including the Court House in Highmore, SD and the Government Building in Deadwood. Now there isn't a date on the post card of the Highmore Court House, other than circa 1900 - present, but I'm amazed at how big it looks. I'll have to drive through Highmore and see if it's still there. There are some great old pictures of Huron that I'll definitely use in my genealogy.

Question 4
I chose to browse and I found the new Learning Center and found a gold mine of information. There are some great videos that will help with your genealogy research. I chose to watch County Histories and Your Family. It was a nice presentation that included a PPT presentation. There are others on Census Tracking for Beginners and Getting Started with Family History Research.

Question 5
I looked at the block between 3rd and 4th street and Dakota and Wisconsin avenues in Huron in the time period between the late 1920s to the mid 1940s. The old Marvin Huett hotel was around then as it is now, but now it is apartments. There were also a couple of banks on the block that were around back then. It was interesting to see things like "fireproof" or "fireproof except for wood roof" and things like that.

1 comment:

  1. The Ancestry/HeritageQuest/Sanborn Maps week is my favorite week! So many good discoveries!! You found lots of great information this week! How cool to find yearbook pictures of yourself! One person found their father in a college yearbook this Challenge so there have been so good finds. Ancestry has been consistently adding to the yearbooks so one is more likely to find relevant results anymore.

    Sanborn Maps is a wealth of information--you never know what tidbits will show up. It is fascinating to see building materials or other details included.

    Thanks so much for your post!
