Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lesson 1 2015
I checked out World Book Online Kids in two areas; games and activities and animals. I was looking for something I could do with my grandson when he comes to visit. I was very impressed with how the games start very simple and work their way up. I did the addition color sheets because I wanted to see if that was something he'd be able to do and I was happily surprised. I like the fact that you can also print your color sheets to complete them by hand coloring or to print the completed color sheet after you've colored it online. I also wanted to check out the animals because my grandson loves animals. They have great pictures and the information is easy to read and understand. I had no idea a cobra could stand up to 6 feet tall and had a speed of up to 5 mph. Yikes!

Next I reviewed the World Book Online Info Finder's Virtual Tours. I took the swamp tour. What I like about the virtual tours are that the videos are short and to the point, it is easy to move back and forth between the videos and they give you a lot of additional resources and I thought the interactive green swamp was intesting. There are student activities and teacher activities. The easy science lessons would work well as a home activity also. I think because the videos are short and interesting it would keep a student's interest.

Lastly I reviewed the World Book Online Refence Center for The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The book is broken out by chapters and with the online tools you can even have it read to you. The tools also allow for online translation which could be very helpful for both adults and children where English is not their first language. In the related information you can find websites that can give you more information on not only the book you are currently reading, but the author and his other works. There are also primary sources you can research and back in time articles. These really give you a broad picture of the time period from which this work comes.

1 comment:

  1. Good work, Ann! You made some great discoveries! Who knew how scary that cobra could be?! I like the Virtual Tours, too, because students get the sights and sounds of the place, as opposed to just reading about it. You noted some real positives in the ebook section of Online Reference Center. Thanks for your post!
